The Ghost Guitarist
Jesse in front, Rose in the middle, the Ghost Guitarist hiding in the back...
After I put up the "Plateau" cover video, I realized I should explain the Ghost Guitarist.
You can see a hand on the left side throughout the video playing guitar, but why isn't the guitarist's full body in the video? Why does the camera point AWAY from them? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!
Well, that's Isaac. And he doesn't love cameras. Or being the center of attention. Even when we take a group picture, Isaac is the one hiding in the back. But he loves playing guitar, and I love focusing on singing and expressing a song. I might put up some videos with me playing keyboard while I sing, or playing ukulele, but ultimately I am a singer and that is what I love doing. I'm so grateful and incredibly lucky to have an excellent guitar player on hand to help lay down tracks, play guitar for my videos, and jam whenever I feel like it. Even if he isn't so excited for people to see him doing it.
And then there's Jesse. I've written about him before and he's had influence on every single song on my album so far. He contributes, usually, about 50% to a track we're working on. He does almost all of the backing tracks. Drums, bass, keyboard, he is incredibly talented on many instruments. Jesse does most of the producing work. So why isn't his face plastered all over my promotional images?
The amazing people I work with are not making music for the attention, likes, or even really money (although it would be great to make a living off of our art). We LOVE this music and we wanted to find the best way to get it to people. Since my education and experience is in performance, my face is the one you see. I love being on camera. I love performing for people. I am the only one of the three of us that feels comfortable being the main attraction in this way.
You'll probably see more videos with my favorite Ghost Guitarist (wow, that is such a cool title. I'm just going to start calling Isaac that in this blog). You'll definitely hear more songs with Jesse's tracks on them. I'll try to sneak some pictures and videos of all three of us onto this blog as much as I can. They are a major part of my music's process, and I want to share all of the process with you!