the *Official* E'ville Experience EP Release Date
We are ready to make a decision. With so much uncertainty, we can tell you 1 thing will happen. The E’ville Experience EP will be released on November 20th. And it will rock your socks off.
We are ready to make a decision. With so much uncertainty, we can tell you 1 thing will happen. The E’ville Experience EP will be released on November 20th. And it will rock your socks off.
Come have some drinks with us! We always have free tattoos for our fans at live shows ;)
7pm Hoquinai (facebook.com/hoquinai)
8pm Jupiter Noise (facebook.com/jupiternoise)
9pm Breaking Lights (facebook.com/breakinglightssf)
10pm We Are Invisible (facebook.com/WAIWUWAI)
11pm The E'ville Experience (facebook.com/EvilleXP)
It is very patriotic to DANCE YOUR FACE OFF, and we want to help :)
Don’t forget to click the link and set a reminder!
See us LIVE IN SF with Great Highway! Bringing in the new year with some great friends and even better music
The E'ville Experience needs a drummer for our gig at Milk Bar SF on 1/24!
We're planning on holding auditions for the gig on Thursday, 1/17 from 4:30pm-9:30pm at Soundwave Studios in Oakland
You would need to be available the following dates and times:
1/19 from 3pm-5pm (time is negotiable) for a first rehearsal
1/23 from 4pm-6pm (time is negotiable) for a second rehearsal
1/24 from 8pm-12am for a 45 minute gig at Milk Bar SF-1840 Haight St SF
We’ll pay $50 an hour for rehearsals, and a flat $150 for the gig 1/24
Hit up our “Contact” tab if you need an audition slot!
Learn more and buy tickets here
A 4 band showcase featuring:
Rose & The E'ville Experience
Super NintenBros
Killah Wail
The Flowers
*Rose Gonzales & the E'ville Experience*
A backyard music festival at a little yellow house in Oakland by the Oakland zoo, San Leandro border
Use the "Contact" tab and message this page for the location!
*Rose Gonzales only*
My favorite open mic spot! I usually sing early in the night, between 9-10pm, but you won't regret coming out to hear all the amazing artists, eat chicken & waffles, and have a drink with friends!